Consultancy and Feedback
A fresh perspective could be exactly what you need to nail that final mixdown and tidy up the arrangement before release.
We’ve all been there! You’ve been producing a track for days/weeks/months and now you have totally ‘over listened’ it and finally gone mix blind!
Our experienced engineer has released and helped others release tracks on Armada Music, Suara, Perfecto, Black Hole Recordings, Interscope, KMS Records, Elrow, Nervous Records and hundreds of other labels.
He has also worked as A&R and Talent Scout for OFF Recordings, Dear Deer Records and Gooseneck Records.
If its brutally honest feedback and constructive pointers you are after, feel free to get in touch and we’ll make sure you get the very best out of your final mixdown.
Whats included in the package:
Detailed feedback and advice on everything including:
Your production
Your sound design
Your arrangement
Your volume leveling
Your effects choices
Your instrumentation
Your processing (Compression/Mastering etc)
Any timing issues
Any tuning issues (Instruments & Vocals)
Making sure everything’s in key and working together
Fixing rough sounding edits
And anything else you need help with
I wouldn’t go anywhere else for my own, or my
Maaaate you are a rockstar! Seriously, take my money forever!
Consultancy & Feedback
Detailed feedback on your track- 1 set of feedback on your track
- Get a fresh perspective from a highly experienced producer
- Detailed advice on anything that could be improved
A 2nd Listen (Post Rework)
Make sure that you ticked all the boxes- Get a 2nd
listen , post rework, to make sure your fixes did the job - Additional advice given if extra tweaks are still needed
- This feature only applies after the full consultancy & feedback option has been completed and you have a reworked version of your track after applying the steps from the first round of feedback